I’m Jo. I was diagnosed in December 2011 with Grade 3 ER/HER 2 positive breast cancer.
I had a mastectomy in February 2012 followed by another op soon after for node clearance. But before my chemotherapy started a PET scan showed my cancer had metastasised to my liver and bones.
The day after my 53rd birthday I was feeling on top of the world. The evening before I had been thrown a surprise get together with all my children and after a rough few years my life was definitely looking up.
I put my bra on that morning and suddenly noticed a very large lump on my right breast, I still to this day wonder how the hell I had never noticed it before, but I had never checked myself !!! In fact with hindsight ( a wonderful thing ) there were lots of signs that something was a miss such as dimpling and pain.
To say that my life changed from that minute, that day on is an understatement !!!
To cut what has luckily turned out to be a long story, short, I make the most of my life. From my diagnosis of incurable cancer, my body has luckily and continues to this day to respond to the treatment that I am on, and long may it last.
I have seen the births of eight grandchildren, who have filled my life with overwhelming love and joy, I take each day at a time and as a blessing.
Breast Friends Northamptonshire, for any ladies diagnosed today with Breast Cancer gives absolutely invaluable support which sadly was not around when I started my journey. The ladies are supportive and understanding to each other through what can be a very tough time and very very importantly the message of CHECK, CHECK, CHECK those boobies is out there now.
Cancer is luckily not the taboo subject it once was so we can talk about it and hopefully save more lives through passing on this vital message.