
Hello, I’m Carey, I was diagnosed with breast cancer following a routine mammogram in April 2018.

The mammogram had highlighted an area of concern so an examination and biopsy were carried out, cancer was confirmed and surgery planned. The subsequent lumpectomy confirmed a 22mm dia grade 3 tumour (basically a ‘chuppa chup’ lolly size) however I couldn’t feel it at all but there it was! I had no lymph node involvement and was ER-positive and HER2 positive. I then followed a recommended treatment of eight cycles of chemotherapy (Four EC & Four Docetaxel) along with 18 Herceptin injections and 20 rounds of radiotherapy.

The treatment, especially the chemo, wasn’t pleasant but with the love and support of family and friends and a positive attitude it was manageable and we got through. My hair fell out after the first cycle of EC but apparently, I have a ‘face for baldness’ – a positive thing as I wasn’t a fan of my wig and found hats to be the way forward for me!

Having a breast cancer diagnosis was an unwelcome interlude in my life and I now try to be kinder to myself and enjoy the little things more. I am totally recovered physically and am back at work full time, keeping fit and playing hockey – I did have private physiotherapy to help with this which was also a benefit psychologically too – so double the benefit!

I have also met some wonderful and inspirational women during this time and am proud to call them friends – proof that every cloud has a silver lining.

If there is a moral to this story it must be always attend screening appointments, they are invaluable and just may have saved my life.

Thank you for reading.