October is designated “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” and each time this comes around we like to do what we can to help raise awareness of this horrible disease.
We would normally hold events such as comedy nights, bucket collections at Northampton Town Football Club, or a bag packing event at a local supermarket with our stand and props in close proximity. However, 2020 decided to be difficult and for that reason, we had to think of doing something purely online.
Committee (and Trustee) member Jules offered up the suggestion to have our members tell their own breast cancer stories of what cancer has meant individually to them. At first, we thought that only a few members would be able to write down the words as seeing it in black and white can easily be traumatic.
However, for some of our members, they found the process to be therapeutic and we are honoured to have the 28 stories (along with many proudly showing off the pictures that were taken as part of last year’s calendar shoot) that have been published so far in October.
To see the all the stories just click here.